Aug 31: Pastrami, Spicy Labné & Tabouli, Hummus & Crunchy Mediterranean Salad; Rib Eye with Salad


Today we simply repeated yesterday’s sandwiches:  pastrami, spicy labné and tabouli, and hummus with some of the Crunchy Mediterranean salad from last night.

  • The bread is $2.79 for the loaf of 18 slices, or 31c per serve
  • The pastrami beef was $4.99 for 8 oz, and we used about 3 oz in this sandwich, or 94c per serve
  • Hummus is 33c per serve
  • We served 1/4 of the tabouli salad or 67c per serve
  • The salad kit is $3.50 but makes four serves and we used half a serve between us, or 22c per serve.
  • Add 25c for spicy labné.

Today’s sandwiches provided a nice variety of flavor and texture. The tabouli almost disappeared in the pastrami sandwich, but did add a little texture and wetness that was appreciated for $2.72 per serve.


We still had an aged rib eye that came via our Prather Ranch meat box but from a different supplier. The fat is obviously more yellow – a good sign as that suggests all pastured and natural feed. We found it has a stronger beef flavor and the fat – when properly softened – was extremely unctuous with a great mouth feel.

We balanced it out with a little of last night’s Mediterranean salad, augmented with arugula, cherry tomatoes and topped with feta.

  • The rib eye was $25.21 for close to 1 lb or $12.61 per serve
  • The little bit of Mediterranean salad adds 20c per serve
  • Arugula adds 15c per serve
  • Organic cherry tomato medley was $3.99 but we used less than 1/4 or 50c per serve
  • The Valpresso feta was $9.99 for the tin, but we used 1/6 over two serves, or 83c per serve.

Dinner tonight was an excellent example of “steak and salad” that would have cost many times what we paid, if we’d eaten the same meal in a steak house. Ours cost $14.29, while in a steak house it would have been 3-4 times that.