Smoked salmon scrambled eggs on an onion bagel is a perfect Sunday lunch indulgence.
With scrambled eggs it’s important to anticipate when the eggs will be cooked, because they continue cooking on during service and on the plate. If you leave them in the pan until they appear cooked, they will be over-done on the plate.
- Five pastured eggs went into the scramble, or $1.25 per serve
- An onion bagel is 50c
- The wild caught smoked salmon was $5.99 or $3.00 per serve.

Lunch today cost $4.75 and was exceptionally good.
Cottage pie is the beef version of shepherd’s pie (made with ground lamb). The recipe makes four serves.
- The Prather Range aged ground beef is $8.95 or $2.24 per serve
- The carrots were 50c or 13c per serve
- An onion adds 8c per serve
- Potato add 53c per serve
- Add 30c for seasonings, mostly Trader Joe’s 21 spice mix in the meat.
Tonight’s meal cost $3.28 per serve and was delicious and warming.