Sep 11: Abergavenny Arms; Snacks


Upon the recommendation of a friend we headed for The Abergavenny Arms. It was a wonderful surprise: wonderful, friendly service and exceptionally good food. Really good food.

Foodie Philip had twice cooked pork belly accompanied by cabbage & bacon and mash potatoes with a red wine sauce. Foodie Greg had an elevated version of a Sussex Smokey, which is a smoked fish pie. This version avoided the heavy cheddar base of the traditional version, and the topping was breaded rather than mash potatoe.

This amazing food averaged £13.95 or $18.28 per serve.


We had planned on a restaurant nearby, but they had not space for walk in customers. We checked out a coup,e of other restaurants nearby, but frankly, when one restaurant is packed and the rest ar nearly empty, you know where the action is.

We  changed plans and picked up grapes, wine, Parma ham and patė again and snacked.

That cost £5.42 with tax equal to  US$7.10 or $3.05 per serve.

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