Another ham sandwich variation, this time with avocado.
- Ham is 22c for 2oz
- Sprouted Rye bread is 32c
- Two avocados were $1.98 but we shared one, or 50c per serve
- Add 50c for butter and garlic spread.
A good sandwich for $1.44 per serve.
For tonight’s Meatless Monday we went Indian: Kashmir Spinach and Yellow Dahl on Brown Rice.
- Brown rice is 33c per serve
- The yellow dahl was $1.99 or $1.00 per serve
- The Kashmir Spinach was $3.99 or $2.00 per serve.
A decent meal for $3.33 per serve. It’s odd that the yellow dahl from Trader Joe’s is half the price of the Kashmir Spinach from a name brand purchased at Raph’s (Kroger).