The Foodies visited Salt Lake State Park and Marina early, then continued our exploration of Salt Lake City at Wheeler Historic Farm, before heading up the very scenic “back way” into Park City where we found Backdoor Sandwiches.
The Prosciutto, is Prosciutto, Brie, Lettuce, Tomato, Balsamic Vinaigrette on a Toasted Sourdough Baguette, and seeing that on the menu made the Foodies Choice easy. Backdoor sandwiches is a great little shop with a strong personality, much like it’s (presumed) owner.
The sandwich was excellent, and gives us new ideas to work Brie into sandwiches. A perfect meal to top off our Park City adventure, for $13.80 with tip.
After Park City, the Foodies decided they would cut the trip short by one night, and head home. We nearly made it through Las Vegas, when someone having a very bad day caused the freeway to be closed, just 20 seconds too early for our convenience!
After about half an hour it was obvious nothing was going to be resolved quickly so we maneuvered perpendicularly across four lanes of stopped traffic to exit conveniently near an In and Out Burger! Foodie Philip had his usual Double Double, Foodie Greg a Cheeseburger, and we both had a Chocolate Milk Shake we took with us, for $6.75 per serve.
The situation at the overpass wasn’t resolved until about four hours later, by which time we were much closer to home.