Since we had asparagus left over from last night’s gnocchi, we gently steamed it for a couple of minutes, then wrapped it with thinly sliced roast chicken breast, on a smear of mayo.
- The wrap is 50c
- The asparagus is $1.00 per serve
- Chicken is 63c per serve from the ‘giant’ $9.99 roast
- Add 10c for the vegan alternate mayo.
Lunch today cost $2.23 and was pretty good.
A quick meal to put together by serving a chicken leg with the remaining two serves of the gorgonzola gnocchi.
A little Siracha on the otherwise bland chicken finished this quick, but tasty, meal.
- Each serve was a $2.50 quarter of the roast chicken
- The gnocchi was $2.84 per serve
- Add 10c for the Siracha sauce.
Dinner tonight was $5.34 and quick to get on the table, and the siracha sauce works nicely with the gorgonzola gnocchi.