Nov 1: Sweet & Spicy Tuna with Swiss & Capers; Lamb Loin Chop with Grilled Asparagus and Yellow Curry Chopped Salad


Foodie Philip was late home so he had a Sweet and Spicy Tuna with Swiss and Capers toasted for lunch.

  • The tuna was $2.00 per serve
  • Sprouted Rye bread is 32c per serve
  • Swiss slices are 12 for $3.99 or 34c per serve
  • Add 50c for butter, garlic spread and capers.

A good, quick sandwich for $3.16 per serve.


Thursday night is grill night and what better than to start by grilling some great, thick* asparagus and some lamb loin chops. We served with the remaining Yellow Curry chopped salad.

*Despite popular misconception thick asparagus is more tender than thin.

  • The lamb was $12.87 or $6.44 per serve
  • The asparagus was $1.64 and we served 80% or 66c per serve
  • The Yellow Curry chopped salad is $1.00 per serve.

A good meal as we really enjoy lamb loin chops, for $8.10 per serve.

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