For variety we finished some par baked panini rolls and stuffed them with Trader Joe’s Egg Salad and some sprouts.
- The panini roll is 63c per serve
- The egg salad is $3.69 for 10 oz and we used 2 oz per serve, or 92c per serve
- The sprouts cost $1.96 and we shared about 1/8 or 13c per serve.
We enjoyed this roll a lot for $1.68 per serve.
Boeuf Bourguignon (Beef Stew with Red Wine, Mushrooms and Bacon) is a classic French recipe that we served with Farro. We will get four serves from this meal.
- The beef was around $3.12 per serve
- Carrots were $1.99 or 50c per serve
- A yellow onion was 50c or 13c per serve
- The wine is $3.00 for 3 cups or 75c per serve
- Add 50c per serve for seasoning, garlic and oils
- The farro was $1.79 for the pack, but we shared ⅓ or 10c per serve.
We really enjoyed this. The gelatin substitutes for slow cooked connective tissue for an unctuous mouth feel, and the slow cook released a lot of flavor. The farro balanced the meat dish perfectly for $5.10 per serve.