Jul 23: The Country Deli; Soy Chorizo Enchilada Mix Frittata


As we had to make a trip that took us past The Country Deli, we stopped in for lunch. Foodie Philip had his usual Marinated Skit Steak, Eggs and Home Fries, while Foodie Greg had a Pastrami on Rye with Coleslaw. Lunch at The Country Deli cost $22.63 per serve.


After sharing half the sandwich as a late afternoon snack we finished the Soy Chorizo Enchilada Mix Frittata from July 20.

  • A serve of the Soy Chorizo Enchilada Mix is $1.48 and shared one serve, or 37c per serve
  • One egg per serve is 51c
  • Add 12c per serve for mayonnaise in the egg mix.

A simple, quick meal using leftovers for $1.00 per serve that was quite enough after the excess of the day.

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