Oct 13: Ham & Coleslaw, Kumato & Smokey Cheddar; Marinated Top Sirloin with Peanut Butter ‘Satay’ Sauce served with a Sprout and Bell Pepper Salad


Time to use up the last of the Coleslaw from Mr Fish and Chips, with enough left for one sandwich. On the other shared sandwich we went simply for Smokey Cheddar and Kumato.

  • Dave’s Killer Bread is 74c per serve
  • The Coleslaw is 28c per serve
  • Black Forest Ham is $3.29 per pack, or 33c per serve
  • Smokey Cheddar was $2.69 for 10 slices, or 27c per serve
  • Five Kumato were $3.49 and we used one, or 35c per serve
  • Add 40c for Garlic Spread.

The sandwiches were quite good for $2.37 per serve.


We haven’t prepared a ‘Peanut Satay Sauce’ meal with actual meat for quite a long time. With Top Sirloin (a.k.a. Rump) Steak in our meat box, we marinated it, grilled outside and served with a Bean Sprout and Baby Bell Pepper Salad.

  • The top sirloin from the Keller Crafted delivery was $12.38 or $6.19 per serve
  • The peanut butter was $3.99 and we used about 1/8,  or 25c a serve
  • Other seasonings in the satay sauce add 35c per serve
  • Bean sprouts were $1.49 but we used ⅓ or 25c per serve
  • Baby Bell Peppers add 32c per serve
  • Mint came from our garden.

A most enjoyable meal for $7.11 per serve.

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