Mar 7: In and Out Burger; Pot roast


Another Burbank Monday, so another In and Out Double Double for foodie Philip. $4.02 with tax.


Time to use up the last of our January meet order from Prather Ranch. We skipped February’s delivery because of the move, and we’re well stocked again with the March delivery.

We last had the Beef Cross Rib Steak as a Filipino Style marinated steak but, given that Los Angeles is having what it pretends is “Winter”, the weather dictated something warming: Pioneer Woman’s Pot Roast.

This is not a great cut of meat so marinating or slow braising in a pot roast is a great way to get the best from the protein. We had two individual steaks about 9.5 oz each.

  • The steaks were $6.20 per serve
  • Onions are 20c per serve
  • The carrots were 69c or 35c per serve
  • One cup of red wine is around $1.33 or 67c a serve
  • Two cups of broth is half a $1.99 carton or 50c per serve
  • The mushrooms were $1.99 or $1 a serve
  • The Rosemary came from our own plant
  • Add another 15c for oil, seasoning and Thyme.

Tonight’s dinner cost $9.07 for the pot roast, which we served with the other half of Sunday’s baguette, for a total of $9.74 per serve.


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