A repeat of the wrap with the roast butternut squash hummus from Saturday night and no cucumber.
- The fully cooked sliced gyro/yeros meat is $3.99 per 10oz pack, or $1.00 per serve.
- The flatbread is 50c per serve
- We used the roast butternut squash hummus from Saturday night’s Pop-up
- We served 1/4 of the tabouli salad or 67c per serve.
Lunch today cost $2.17.
In a day of repeats, tonight we repeated the Choucroute Garnie with Bratwurst from two nights ago. Tonight we used three of the remaining serves leaving one in the refrigerator for later.
- The bratwurst are $3.49 for the pack, or $1.75 per serve
- The sauerkraut is $2.99 a pack or 75c per serve
- The carrots were 50c or 13c per serve
- Potatoes add 53c per serve
- The onion, garlic, bay leaf and juniper berries add another 26c per serve
- White wine adds another 54c per serve.
Dinner tonight was tasty, warming and filling for just $3.96 per serve. It looked the same as two nights ago!