A trip to Jon’s produced a baguette, freshly roasted chicken, and a heirloom tomato, which goes together very well!
- The baguette is $2.79 and we shared half in this meal, or 70c per serve
- The BBQ chicken is $6.99 and we shared a breast, or 88c per serve
- The heirloom tomato was $1.22 and we shared half, or 31c per serve
- Add 10c for mayo.
Lunch today was $1.99 per serve and pretty damned good.
Time to slice and fry off the rest of the meatloaf, and serve it with a kohlrabi blend salad from Trader Joe’s. We served with the
- Meatloaf is $6.29 per serve
- The salad mix was $1.99 and we used half, or 50c per serve
- Add 25c for the red pepper relish.
Dinner tonight was tasty and cost $7.04 per serve.