Oct 2: Double Double Animal Style; Tom Kah Moo


Another Burbank Monday for Foodie Philip and another In and Out Double Double animal style for $4.27, an increase of a penny!


We had ground pork from our Prather Ranch delivery and Greg decided to make Tom Kha Moo – the pork version of Tom Kha Gai (chicken). The recipe makes least four serves.

  • The pork came from our Prather Ranch meat delivery – 1 lb of ground pork cost $8.31 or $2.78 per serve
  • A can of coconut milk is $1.49 or 40c per serve
  • Bella mushrooms were $1.79 or 45c per serve
  • Parasol mushrooms were $3.99 or $1.00 per serve
  • Chicken stock is $1.99 or 50c per serve
  • Lemon grass was 15c or 4c per serve
  • Add 33c for brown rice
  • Add 45c for seasonings.

Dinner tonight might not look pretty but it tasted good for $5.95 per serve.

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