Aug 29: Smoked Tuna Pouch, Turkey Breast & Tomato; Pizza


A smoked tuna pouch went into a melt with capers and Swiss cheese. The second sandwich was turkey breast, moon touched tomatoes and Swiss. Toasted and shared for a little variety in the meal.

  • The rye bread is 32c per serve
  • The pouch is $1.99, or $1.00 per serve
  • The turkey breast is $2.99 for 8 oz and two went on the sandwich, or 76c per serve
  • The tomato adds 25c per serve
  • Swiss slices are 12 for $3.99 or 33c per serve
  • Add 35c for garlic spread and butter.

A couple of good sandwiches for $3.01 per serve.


Tonight was our monthly LACPUG meeting with pizza afterward where we all contribute $10 each.

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