We reheated a chicken breast each – despite requesting dark meat only – and served with a simple slaw.
- A 9 piece special was $12.99 and we had one piece each, or $1.44 per serve
- A Nappa Cabbage was $2.39 but we split half between lunch and dinner, or 30c per serve
- Add 15c for carrot and other ingredients.
A tasty lunch for $1.89 per serve.
For dinner we finished the Caramelized pork on black rice with some more of the Cabbage Slaw.
- The ground pork was $8.35 and we’ll got four serves from that, or $2.09 per serve
- A Nappa Cabbage was $2.39 but we split half between lunch and dinner, or 30c per serve
- Add 35c for carrot and dressing ingredients
- Add 44c for black rice.
The caramelized pork is really good, despite cutting the sugar dramatically. It went well with the slaw and black rice for $3.18 per serve.