Jan 4: Quick Moussaka


While we both had Tuna Melts, Foodie Greg’s was Smokey Tuna, while Foodie Philip favored Sweet & Spicy Tuna.

  • Dave’s Killer Bread is 74c per serve
  • The Tuna Sachet is 99c per serve
  • Gouda slices are 34c per serve.

An enjoyable sandwich, made even better by being able to eat outdoors, for $2.07 per serve.


We returned to our Quick Moussaka. We will get four serves.

  • Ground lamb was $5.99 or $1.50 per serve
  • The Eggplant was $1.39 or 35c per serve
  • The Tomatoes were $1.99 or 50c per serve
  • The Ricotta was $4.99 or $1.25 per serve
  • The French (Valbreso) Feta was $10.99 but we used 1/6 or 69c per serve
  • A Pastured Egg adds 9c per serve
  • Add 50c for the remaining ingredients
  • Add 30c for Greens
  • Add 20c for half an Avocado.

The downside of this very tasty meal, is that is does not serve up neatly on the first pass! Still, very tasty for $5.38 per serve.

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